Box Tops for Education
Shop online and earn cash for our school!
Our school needs to purchase office and classroom supplies on a regular basis – and we can earn cash for our school simply by purchasing these items through the Box Tops for Education website. You can also turn in box tops to your child's teacher. The money earned from box tops goes to purchase new P.E. and reces equipment.
How It Works
- Sign up to support our school. Sign up at
- Shop online. Start each shopping trip at
Click the link to the online store of your choice Shop as you normally do. - Our school earns cash. A percentage of every qualifying purchase is automatically donated back to our school!
By starting at, Box Tops can track earnings and automatically credit our school’s account.
Shop These Stores
For school, office, computer and classroom supplies:
- Barnes & Noble
- Circuit City
- Office Depot
- Office Max
- Oriental Trading Company (receive $10 off your order of $40 or more)
- Staples
- Best Buy
For all other needs and purchases:
Shop over 70 favorite stores such as JCPenney, Target, Gap, Old Navy, Pottery Barn, Wal-Mart, and many more!