

Positive Behavior Interventions and Support

The Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) Program is an evi­dence-based program used to improve school climate by pro­moting safety, responsibility, and respect. PBIS is a system used school-wide and works to decrease neg­ative behaviors through the support of positive ones. Safety, responsibility, and respect are clear expectations at school and students who demonstrate these behaviors are acknowledged.

Adults on campus teach useful social skills and work proac­tively with discipline strategies to promote a positive learning environment. A team of staff members meets regularly to re­view, define, and strengthen the PBS program.

Our Goals

  • Establish school-based mental health services through collab­oration with local agencies. These include the Tuolumne Me-Wuk Indian Health Center; Center for a Non-Violent Community; Tuolumne County Behavioral Health; Tuolumne County Public Health Department; and Child Welfare Services.
  • Improve student achievement and social/emotional well-be­ing by implementing a positive youth development program. Counselors will provide classroom and grade-level presentations for all students, small-group counseling for stu­dents with specific needs, and individual counseling services based on staff referrals.
  • Provide high quality staff and parent trainings to address mental health problems, raise awareness, work toward solutions, and strengthen support systems for students and families.

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