Graduation Important Dates/Times

Graduation Important Dates/Times

Dear Parents/Guardians of 8th grade students, 

We are in our final week of school that is full of many different events and activities. Below is a summary of upcoming activities for 8th grade students. 

Wednesday, May 25
8:30-10:30am 8th grade graduation practice
Thursday, May 26
8:30-10:30am 8th grade graduation practice 

Friday, May 27
8:30-9:15 am  Assembly 
9:15-10:45  8th grade vs. Staff Softball Game 

Tuesday, May 31
8:30-10:30am 8th grade graduation practice 

Wednesday, June 1-GRADUATION DAY!
8:30-9:30am Graduation Walk 
9:30-11:00am 8th grade Brunch hosted by Sonora Taqueria
6:30pm Students arrive and seating opens 
7:00pm Promotion/Commencement Ceremony Begins
8:00-11:00pm 8th Grade Dance which is open to eligible 8th Grade students. Please follow the school dress attire regulations. Parents are welcome to come in the gym and look at the decorations but are then asked to promptly leave no later than 8:15pm. Parents will need to pick up their child inside the gym no later than 11:00pm. No students will be allowed outside without an adult. 

We are so proud of these students and proud of all of their hard work along with our teachers and staff. We look forward to celebrating our student’s success. Should you have any questions or would like more information please call the school office. 


Andrea Fray